Mixed Martial Arts Returns to Downtown Bay City
2 Nights of Cage Fights at the Prime Event Center October 21 & 23 2010
October 8, 2010
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By: Julie McCallum, Entertainment Editor

Over A Thousand Cage Fans
Attended Extreme Cage Combat Event in Bay City back in March 2010
Now, the fastest growing sport and most watched cable television sporting event returns to the Prime Event Center in Bay City for a two night event on Thursday, October 21st and Saturday, October 23, 2010
Extreme Cage Combat 8.0 is the #1 Amateur Mixed Martial Arts promotion in the state of Michigan.
With dreams of becoming professional fighters in the UFC, Extreme Cage Combat 8.0 is a proving ground for fighters to test their skills.
New Body Gym in Bay City has many fighters on the card along with Fighters Supporting Fighters and fighters from across the entire state.
Hooter Girl Ring Girls will be on hand, music by DJ BOB, and Defyant Industries will be selling Hoodies, T-shirts, Thermals, etc.
Thursday, October 21, 2010 there will be 5 weight divisions of opening round tournament fights in the 155 lbs, 170lb, 185lb, 205 lb, and Heavyweight divisions along with individual matches including John Schultz, owner of New Body fighting. Approximately 15 fights total.
Then after a day of rest, the tournament finals will take place on Saturday, October 23, 2010 as the winners do battle for 6 1/2 ft tall trophies and bragging rights at the Toughest Man in Town. Plus many other individual matches.
Tickets are on sale now at Hooters of Bay City, New Body Health and Fitness or by contacting your favorite fighters.
Tickets are $20 per day in advance or 2-day tickets $30. Tickets go up $5.00 per day at the door.
(Entries are still being taken.
Call John Schultz at New Body Health & Fitness 892-7686 for more info)
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