High Hopes in Heels: A Local Fashion Show with a Purpose
Local Companies Collaborate to Support Bay City YWCA
April 11, 2016
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By: Josh Sharrow
Uptown New York meets downtown Bay City for a night of fashion, beauty
and celebration - all for a great cause! The first ever High Hopes in Heels fashion show takes
place this Saturday, April 16, at 6:00 p.m. at the Old City Hall restaurant in downtown Bay City.
All proceeds from the event will go towards the Great Lakes Bay Region YWCA's Getting Ahead Program.
Seven local businesses and organizations have partnered together to put on this event to celebrate
women of all ages and body types, including W4Divas, Self Love Beauty, Ferne Boutique,
Tosha Cole Photography, LC Make-Up Artistry, A Spencer Gellise Salon and Old City Hall.
Tickets for the event, which included a seat at the fashion show, one specialty drink and hors d'oeuvres, went on sale in the beginning of March and sold out within 30 hours. The fashion show
will feature women ages 18-60 to showcase the many forms of beauty.
"We are so excited to host our first High Hopes in Heels event!" said Laura Horwath, owner of
Ferne Boutique. "Women from all over the Great Lakes Bay Region are coming together to
support one another and celebrate the beauty all around us. We are looking forward to a night
full of fun, laughter and amazing women!"
YWCA Great Lakes Bay Region advocates for the advancement of women and families by
providing programs and services to achieve economic self-sufficiency. YWCA accomplishes its
mission via their Women's Resource Center and Getting Ahead program. The Getting Ahead
Program is an economic empowerment program offering long-term solutions for economic stability.
Follow the hashtag #HighHopesInHeels for live coverage of this event on social media. The event is currently Sold Out.
Josh Sharrow
Sharrow is the Sales Manager, columnist, writer, coffee maker for O.J. Advertising and an on-air personality for 98 KCQ.
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