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The Scene Article 04481: 03-Jan-10
Stables Michigan Idol Begins 4TH Year 2010 By: Julie McCallum, Entertainment Editor |
"The BUZZ" - Read Feedback From Readers! |
Anonymous Says:
On January 04, 2010
at 12:17 AM
I'd like to place my vote for Tommy Anderson in the online voting....but there isn't a option to vote for the best judge.
genocummings Says:
On January 04, 2010
at 10:47 AM
hey I'd like to say that Geno was one of your best talents and you run him off because of your week to week saying to play more or what ever it was. and if anyone should have won it was him if he can play with the likes of Larry Mc Cray and Matt Besey then I think he's got alot of talent.