Hales Speaks on Mexico Exchange Trip
June 21, 2011
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By: Stephen Kent
Joshua Hales spoke about Trip
iPhone photo by Andy Rogers
Joshua Hales, son of Rotarian Andrea, talked about his upcoming trip to Mexico as a Rotary Exchange Student next year.
As co-chair of the exchange student committee, Andrea encourages other students to take advantage of this program.
Joshua talked about his family, composed of 1 sister and 4 brothers.
They live in Alger where hs attends Standish Sterling High School.
Josh's hobbies include fishing, painting and playing the guitar.
For his Rotary year, Josh will go to Zacatecas Mexico next year.
The Zacatecas area is rich in history and culture. Attractions include pyramids and Indian tribes.
He will leave in August and returning in June and is very thankful for the opportunity.
Be sure to see Eileen Jennings final
District Dispatch for her term as governor.
Click here to link to the
Board Members and Committee Chairs are needed for the upcoming year. If you're interested in serving and have not been asked, please see incoming president Ed Keating. There are opportunities for everyone.
Don't miss the program on June 21. Josh Hales, Brenda's son, will talk about his upcoming Rotary Exchange trip to Mexico next year. If you know any candidates for Rotary Exchange please bring them to the meeting.
The annual club
Golf Outing is here on Monday, June 27. The Helicopter Golf Ball Drop will be featured again. Of the 130 golf outings in the area this year, Rotary's may be the most colorful as everyone is encouraged to
dress as his or her favorite golfer, current or historic. Prizes will be given to the best looking team!
If you missed the opportunity to have
Anne Trahan take a new picture for the Rotary Directory, don't fret. Give her a call or see her at the meeting to work out a sitting. The directory picture is free. Retouched digital photos and portraits for your own use are available for a small charge.
Upcoming Programs
(See the official schedule at
RotaryBayCity.org )
June 28, 2011: Greats Lakes Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau. presented by Annie Rummel.
July 5, 2011: Passing the Gavel:
New administration takes office for the 2011-2012 Rotary Year.
July 12, 2011: Miss Bay County 2010 Katie LaRoche will talk about her year as Miss Bay County.
Monday, June 27, 2011: Club
Golf Outing.
Rotary is an intimate affiliation of carefully selected business and professional people,
having as its objective the promotion of high ethical standards in private, commercial
and civic life, and dedicated to the ideal that the basis of all worthy endeavor is unselfish service.
Current and past
DISTRICT DISPATCH newsletters are available on the District site shown in the LINKS section below.
Rotary Bay City on Facebook!
Click on the Blue Facebook to visit us there.
Remember! Check attendance sheets at the front desk.
Stephen Kent
Steve Kent and his family have lived in Bay City for 40 years. He is VP of Technical Services at MMCC which produces MyBayCity.Com. Kent is active in many Bay City civic organizations.
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