(Above L/R) Lisa Cleland, Bruce Ross, Nancy Wieland, Cathy Washabaugh
make first ground break at location of new Spray Park
(MyBayCity Photos By Julie McCallum)
'Spray by the Bay' is now Under Construction at Bay City State Recreation
Where to Spend Those Hot Summer Days
June 12, 2011
By: Julie McCallum, Entertainment Editor
The Friends of the Bay City State Recreation Area and officials of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources held a groundbreaking ceremony at on Tuesday afternoon, (June 7,2011) for the new 'Spray by the Bay' spray park to be built on the lakeside area of the Bay City State Recreation Area, in view of the magnificent Saginaw Bay.
On hand at the ground breaking, were county, township, and other officials including Supervisor of Bangor Township, Terry Watson,
to kick off the construction phase of this project.
Not only will this spray park be the first to open in Bay County, this will be the first spray park to open in a state park.

According to
Cathy Washabaugh (Right) , Chair person of the Spray Park Committee, Phase 1 of the project should be completed in July, allowing the spray park to be enjoyed by the public this summer.
Washabaugh said, "Over 200 hundred people have been involved to make this possible, including the donations from individuals, businesses, and of the material and services donated by businesses, and we are very thankful." "This is a place where you can cool off on those hot summer days and enjoy the park."
Phase 2, is planned for next year, and will bring even more features and amenities. The Friends have raised nearly $300,000 in contributions, and a great deal more in volunteer efforts and non-monetary donations, from local citizens, businesses, foundations, and other groups, all who have generously given to see Phase 1 completed. The Friends, the DNR, and the local community are eagerly working together to see this amazing project finally come to fruition.
The DNR is also contributing to the project, thanks to "Recreation Passport" dollars at work. The Recreation Passport is the new vehicle entry pass system based on a $10 annual pass Michigan residents may purchase from the Secretary of State when they also purchase their vehicle registration, allowing Michigan residents to enter state parks and boating sites, as well as express their support for one of the best state park systems in the nation. So far, the Passport program has been steadily achieving success.
In fact, Bay County is 15th on the list of the 83 Michigan counties in opt-in rates for the Recreation Passport. Local residents have thus clearly expressed their support of their state park. These dollars will help the DNR in partnership with the Friends of Bay City State Recreation Area add the "Spray by the Bay" to what is already a premiere state park.
A Spray Park Endowment Fund has been established at the Bay Area Community Foundation to help provide maintenance in the years' ahead.
(Above) Spray Park Plans Above. Mid-July 2011 Projected completion date.
(Above) The Ground Breaking Ceremony symbolized a beginning and a Ribbon Cutting will be held end of July when spray park is completed!
Bruce Ross, Chief of Operations of Michigan DNR said, "This is a celebration and a beginning of creating legacies of families who will make memories here." Ross continued "On behalf of the DNR thank you to Cathy Washabaugh and Friends of Bay City State Recreation Area."
The 'Spray By The Bay' is located next to the Imagination Station at Bay City State Park
You can donate to this fund by calling 989-893-4438 or on-line at www.bayfoundation.org. For more information, email SprayPark@aol.com
"The BUZZ" - Read Feedback From Readers!
burnhamtl Says:
On June 27, 2011
at 04:19 AM
A small correction. The "Imagination Station" is in Vet's Park. I helped build it and co-chaired the tool committee. "Come Play By The Bay" is at the State Park. Worked on that one also.
Take care,
Tom Burnham
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