Apply for the 2012 Class of Leadership Bay County
June 25, 2011
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By: Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
Applications are now being accepted for the 25th Class of Leadership Bay County. Leadership Bay County aims to provide the knowledge and motivation needed to lead our community through politics, business and non-profit organizations.
Leadership Bay County appeals to people of diverse backgrounds who have an interest in the future of our community. The nine-month curriculum is designed to help participants better understand our community by reviewing its history and examining entities and systems. Speakers from businesses, government, education, law enforcement, natural resources, arts, and human services provide information at each session.
Participants are also challenged to develop leadership skills and contribute to our community by selecting and completing a class project.
For more information visit our website, or call JoEllen at 893.4567.
Applications can be downloaded from our website.
Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization joining businesses and the community for economic growth and well-being of the entire Bay Area.
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