Groundbreaking Ceremony held at the Bay City State Recreation Area
June 25, 2011
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By: Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
The Friends of the Bay City State Recreation Area and officials of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources held a groundbreaking ceremony on June 7, for the new "Spray by the Bay" spray park to be built on the lakeside area of the Bay City State Recreation Area.
Phase 1 of the project should be completed in July, allowing the spray park to be enjoyed by the public this summer. Phase 2, planned for next year, will bring even more features and amenities. The Friends have raised nearly $300,000 in contributions.
The DNR is also contributing to the project, thanks to "Recreation Passport" dollars at work. The Recreation Passport is the new vehicle entry pass system based on a $10 annual pass Michigan residents may purchase from the Secretary of State when they also purchase their vehicle registration. Bay County is 15th on the list of the 83 Michigan counties in opt-in rates for the Recreation Passport.
A Spray Park Endowment Fund has been established at the Bay Area Community Foundation to help provide maintenance in the years' ahead. You can donate to this fund by calling 989-893-4438 or on-line at
For more information, email
Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization joining businesses and the community for economic growth and well-being of the entire Bay Area.
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