Stables Michigan Idol Begins 4TH Year 2010
Singing Competition Returns at the Stables Martini & Cigar Bar
January 3, 2010
By: Julie McCallum, Entertainment Editor

It's Michigan's longest running original Michigan Idol Contest and it's now in it's fourth year!!!
The Stables Michigan Idol continues after a Holiday break and is ready and in full force. The Competition will continue in it's fourth week of the eleven week segment on Thursday, January 7, 2010.
Vocal cords are rested up and ready to start the new year with a bang! Can you sing? Know someone that can?
Here's a chance to win a Cash Prize and an opening spot during upcoming concert at The Prime Event Center, Bay City. No entry fee, Contestants must have in 6 performances (out of the eleven) to be eligible to win.
Point system is based on:
Appearance Stage Presence Vocal Ability Crowd Reaction Over All Attitude
Warm-ups start at 7:00PM
Competition starts at 8:00PM
Join the Stables every Thursday for all the entertainment, comedy, food, fun, friends, and the famous Stable's Martinis.
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