Mike Seward, Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, President & Megan Trask, Bay Future, Inc., President
Record Crowd at Last of the Season Chamber Eye Opener
Megan Trask is Announced President & CEO of Bay Future Inc.
June 12, 2011
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By: Julie McCallum,
Senior Staff
(Right) Eric Jylha, Emcee of The Eye Opener, welcomed the record crowd. Approximately 300 attended along with over 700 that listened on lastchoicecountry.com as they streamed live during the eye opener for a total of one thousand listeners.
It was the last Chamber eye opener breakfast for the season and will return on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. Have a great summer.
The Big News of the morning came when Michael Seward, Bay Area Chamber President announced the promotion of
Megan Trask as President & CEO of Bay Future Inc.
Trask was the guest speaker on Economic Development.
Michael Seward said "I was definitely PROUD to introduce Magen Trask as the" new president of Bay Future, Inc". Magen provided an outstanding presentation to Chamber members at our Eye Opener Breakfast this morning. She will provide outstanding service to the Bay Area!"
(Above) Dan Streeter of the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission. The GSRM of Bay City and Saginaw were finalists in the Toyota's '100 Cars for Good Program' and won a Toyota Sienna Minivan. Toyota
is spending 100 days giving away one car a day. Each day 5 non-profits compete against each other in a on-line vote hosted through facebook.
(Above) Brick Award went to Dr. Lee Newton and wife Molly for the addition on their building located at 3720 E. Wilder Road Bay City.
Dr. Lee Newton, (Newton Eye Care Center), has provided eye care services in Bay City ever since graduation from professional school. He and his family consider the Bay City area a great place to live, work, learn, and play!
(Above) Another Brick Award went to Roger Rosebush for 320 WaterShed LLC. With the addition of the Tri City Brewing Taproom. The Brewery is the 3rd largest Micro Brewery in Michigan. Rosebush also owner of Be Cool Radiator and the Be Cool Car Show which is on July 8, 2011 in Downtown Bay City.
(Above) Breakfast sponsor was Health Plus. Sally Seymour had everyone on their feet, but not for long during a contest called the 'last man standing', that involved a series of health questions.
Representatives and even "Corny" from the Auburn Jaycees were in attendance and brought excitement about the 41st Annual Auburn Cornfest being held July 7-10, 2011.
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